Saturday, November 21, 2015

The fulfilled prophecies about changes in society from Kalagnanam

Sri Veera Brahmendra Swami foretold many of the changes in society in his Kalagnanam, among which some are already happened, and some are happening or yet to happen. Many such things were interpreted from the long-term changes in the society.

1. Due to inclination towards excess food and excess sleep humans and animals would keep wandering here and there restlessly.

2. Kings would leave their Rajya Dharma, fall in various acts of mischief & sins and would finally lose their identities. The lineage of all the great kings would gradually decline. Entire 'Kshatriya' dynasty (kings) would decline. Brahmins would not learn Vedas and would spoil themselves. They would also leave their traditional duties and would work under moral less people, would leave their Shatkarma and would become useless. Varnashrama Dharmas (Celibate, Householder, Forest recluse, Renunciant) would get spoiled. Everyone would leave their castes and would follow acts of Adharma and would spoil their character. Deva-Pitru Karya (religious rights towards God and departed forefathers, like Yagna, Shraddha etc) would not be done but people would start preaching upadesam (wise words) to others.

3. People would give up interest in Varnasramas and would adopt a freestyle life for themselves. Not only this, they would also preach the same to others saying, whatever is mentioned in Veda Shashtras (Vedic scriptures) is all cooked up by the priests of those days for their benefit. Fake preachers would be born who would say that Bhakti, Gyana, Viaragya kind of paths belong to the timid natured, impotent men who are scared to enjoy the life. This way through wrong preaching they would not only spoil themselves but would also divert others on the wrong path. Devotees would keep searching for the existence of God due to the prevailing lectures of atheists.

4. Sins would soar to the skies day by day. Sinners would become countless, and good people would become scarce. One would always have an eye on others' property and would steal the same. People of peaceful nature would turn angry. Cases of thievery and diseases would increase like anything. Due to ill deeds, people would experience many kinds of ill effects in their lives. Husband-wife, siblings, Teacher-students, relatives, kings and people everyone would resort to deceit and would bring harm to each other's property, character and lives.

5. Tiger and goat both would drink water in the same pond (Points towards the zoos where we see wild animals and normal animals both remaining in captivity obeying the orders and rules of their masters).

6. Time and nature would change their pace. Cultivated seeds would not turn into crops and produce regularly. Rains wouldn't fall in time. Trees would give feeble amount of fruits and flowers. The dairy animals would give less milk, and they would also get decreased in number. Entire country would experience shift in all regular events.

7. Everyone would become prey to infatuation beyond the limits. Lust and anger would soar to the skies. There would be nothing called as forbidden relationships among people. People would become lustful without considering about the relations what they are tied with. They would lose the sense of differentiation between right & wrong and would indulge in incestuous relationships.

8. Gods, Brahmins and Gurus would be ill treated and disrespected by people. People would insult saintly men due to pride of wealth & power.

9. Infatuation and laziness would increase. Entire world would follow its own way of thinking for their life. In every home, sorrow and tears would become common. Son would insult father, wife would insult husband. Father-son, husband-wives would live their lives on their own style without caring for the fellow member. Fathers and sons would fight among themselves. Patibhakti (veneration towards husband) would decline. Husbands and wives would often quarrel.

10. Lions kind of wild animals, due to destruction of forests, due to export to other countries, due to killings etc would get extinct.

11. Saintly humans would live for a small life span due to diseases, and poverty whereas sinners would enjoy long lives and would thrive in food, health and money. Everywhere Adharma would sour to the skies. Justice would become injustice and injustice would sound as justice. Truth would fade out and lies would sound as true words. One who builds Temples does priestly jobs and other sacred works, such people would remain poor. Fruits of hard work of one would be enjoyed by others. Law breakers would become rulers and law followers would get ruined.

12. Communal rites would increase excessively in all the places. Every village would have disputes ranging among its people and people would kill each other for the same reasons. Such cases would become common in every town and village. Thievery would increase in all the villages and theft of treasure would become common. There would be no one who would be able to stop these thefts from happening or do a trial case on them.

13. Self realized Gurus would become rare, fraudulent Gurus would become innumerable. Some of them even claim themselves as the Lord Kalki.

14. These kind of people would become common— who are filled with bad qualities like anger, lust, greed, infatuation; who do not follow varnasrama stages; who are stone hearted; who quarrel for no rhyme or reason; who remain untidy; who serve bad character rulers to get favors in return while abandoning their own parents, spouse and children; and who would remain immersed in intoxicated drinks thereby spoiling their families.

15. Cities would increase in this world. Villages would turn into towns and cities. Gadak, Lakshmipuram, Chandragiri, Rayachooru, Adaveni, Arava rajyam, Veligodu, Morasa rajyamu, Annenagaram, Punnali, Orugallubange and Golkonda places would become highly developed places. Vijayawada would become as big as Golkonda. Chirukurti village would become a big city.

16. Northern states would remain playing with swords (means wars- may be like Kargil, China war etc). Southern states would involve in quarrels and people would die due to the same.

17. Women power would increase in western countries.

18. Parents would not even care about Dharma and would sell their girls (Kanya-shulkam).

19. People would sell out Goddess Saraswati (Private schools and colleges, coaching centres etc).

20. Due to lack of money, people would suffer a lot.

21. People would marry without considering 'Kula' and 'Gothram' systems. Varnashramas would not be followed by them. Intercaste marriages would become common. People would stoop down to such an extent that they would not mind anything about caste, creed, gothram and relationships. They would say all such things are respectable in books and we only know two castes namely Bull and Cow.

22. Divine knowledge would diminish from the sacred place of Sri Sailam Mountain.

23. Lot many more strange things would happen. People would not be able to understand the Paramardham (divine secret) behind the good things and would follow wrong paths. Those people who follow truth and are spotless wise men would see people who would ill-treat them, giving their own interpretation for Srutis (Vedas), shastras (scriptures).

24. Aacharam (religious rights) would become wiped out completely. Anacharam would prevail. People would leave the Vaidika vidhya (Vedic rituals) and would get attracted towards practices which would give them instant but fleeting happiness.

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